TPA Convictions and Distinctives
Churches and pastors in the Timothy Pastoral Apprenticeship network are:
-Trinitarian; that is, holding that God is one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
-Theologically conservative; that is, holding to the historicity of Jesus' virgin birth, life, miracles, death, and resurrection; the inerrancy of the Bible; the substitutionary nature of the atonement; and the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
-Gospel-driven; that is, shaped by salvation by faith in Jesus and impelled to share the Good News with all people.
-Disciplemaking; that is, committed to life-on-life walking together in the way of Jesus.
-Calvinistic; that is, holding that God does all things for His own glory, that the chief end of human beings is to glorify and enjoy God, and that God is sovereign over salvation and all things.
-Credobaptistic; that is, administering baptism to those who profess faith in Christ.
-Complementarian; that is, convinced that God has designed women and men for different but complementary roles in church and family life to display the glory of Christ's relationship with the Church.
-Organic; that is, decentralized, flexible, adaptable, and reproducible.
-Relational; that is, highly valuing friendship and mentoring bonds.
-Academic; that is, highly valuing rigorous study of the Bible, theology, and God's world.
-Regionally networked; that is, made up of churches and pastors with theological, missional, and geographical affinity who like doing ministry together.